A downloadable game for Windows

IRL Streaming Simulator is a game where you commit crimes like pushing citizens or robbing stores for the sake of money and views. The first prototype is now out!

This game is still in super early development, expect a lot of unfinished things and buggy content.

What can you do in this game?

You can push citizens to increase the amount of viewers you have, make the chat go insane over what you did, and to increase your score.

What is score?

The score in this game isn't your usual score, you can buy things with it. As of right now, you can only buy a pistol for 150 scores but I plan to add more things in the future.

What does the gun do?

The gun not only allows you to kill civilians (therefore increasing your score), but it can also take out civilians that are angry at you.

What do angry civilians do?

When punching civilians, there is a 15% chance for them to turn hostile and start attacking you. The only way to stop them is to take them out with a gun.

Updated 7 minutes ago
Published 1 day ago
AuthorLazyman Interactive
GenreShooter, Simulation
Made withUnity
TagsFPS, Funny, hdrp, Prototype, Streaming, stupid, Unity
Average sessionAbout a half-hour
InputsKeyboard, Mouse


Prototype 1 77 MB

Development log

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